- 2025 - |
(53) |  | I. S. Elnunu, J. N. Redmond, B. T. M. Dentinger, S. E. Naleway, "Material and mechanical behavior of bracket fungi context as a mechanically versatile structural layer" Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, (2025) 163, 106841. | URL
- 2024 - |
(52) |  | J. R. Fernquist, S. E. Naleway, “Complete control and strengthening over iron oxide porous structures freeze cast under oscillating magnetic fields” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, (2024) 107, 2738–2749. | URL
(51) |  | T. J. Yin, S. K. Steyl, J. Howard, K. Carlson, S. Jeyapalina, S. E. Naleway, “Freeze casting of hydroxyapatite-titania composites for bone substitutes” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A, (2024) 112, 473-483. | URL
- 2023 - |
(50) |  | M. A. Schmitz, I. Nelson, S. E. Naleway, “Control over the mechanical properties of surface-magnetized alumina magnetically freeze-cast scaffolds” Journal of Materials Science, (2023) 58, 17154-17174. | URL
(49) |  | J. R. Fernquist, I. Nelson, A. Pourkand, J. J. Abbott, S. E. Naleway, "Improved strength and control over surface-magnetized titania porous structures freeze cast under oscillating magnetic fields" Materialia, (2023) 32, 101905. | URL
(48) |  | S. E. Naleway, D. Bhate, D. Restrepo, L. Li, K. Katti, "Biological translation: Biological materials science and bioinspired design" JOM, (2023) 75, 2101. | URL
(47) |  | E. C. Hotz, A. J. Bradshaw, C. Elliott, K. Carlson, B. T. M. Dentinger, S. E. Naleway, "Effect of agar concentration on structure and physiology of fungal hyphal systems" Journal of Materials Research and Technology, (2023) 24, 7614-7623. | URL
(46) |  | D. L. Porter, E. C. Hotz, J. K. Uehling, S. E. Naleway, "A review of the material and mechanical properties of select Ganoderma fungi structures as a source for bioinspiration" Journal of Materials Science, (2023) 58, 3401-3420. | URL
(45) |  | D. L. Porter, H. Malik, C. Elliott, K. Carlson, S. E. Naleway, "Bioinspired hydrophilic and oleophilic absorption media from biotemplated fungi" Advanced Engineering Materials, (2023) 25, 2200945. | URL
- 2022 - |
(44) |  | T. J. Yin, S. E. Naleway, "Freeze casting with bioceramics for bone graft substitutes" Biomedical Materials and Devices, (2022). | URL
(43) |  | D. L. Porter, S. E. Naleway, "Hyphal systems and their effect on the mechanical properties of fungal sporocarps" Acta Biomaterialia, (2022) 145, 272-282. | URL
(42) |  | J. R. Fernquist, H. C. Fu, S. E. Naleway, "Improved structural and mechanical performance of iron oxide scaffolds freeze cast under oscillating magnetic fields" Ceramics International, (2022) 48, 15034-15042 | URL
(41) |  | K. Baskaran, M. Ali, K. Gingrich, D. L. Porter, S. Chong, B. J. Riley, C. W. Peak, S. E. Naleway, I. Zharov, K. Carlson, "Sol-gel derived silica: A review of polymer-tailored properties for energy and environmental applications" Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, (2022) 336, 111874 | URL
(40) |  | C. B. Tanaka, M. Mroz, S. E. Naleway, J. J. Kruzic, "Anisotropic strength and fracture resistance of epoxy-ceramic composite materials produced by ultrasound freeze-casting" Ceramics International, (2022) 48, 4904-4910 | URL
(39) |  | D. L. Porter, A. J. Bradshaw, R. H. Nielsen, P. Newell, B. T. M. Dentinger, S. E. Naleway, "The melanized layer of Armillaria ostoyae rhizomorphs: its protective role and functions" Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, (2022) 125, 104934 | URL
- 2021 - |
(38) |  | Y. Wang, D. L. Porter, S. E. Naleway, P. Newell, "Thermo-mechanical characterization of shale using nanoindentation" Scientific Reports (2021) 11, 18864. | URL
(37) |  | T. J. Yin, S. Jeyapalina, S. E. Naleway, "Characterization of porous fluorohydroxyapatite bone-scaffolds fabricated using freeze casting" Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2021) 123, 104717. | URL
(36) |  | J. Alexander, K. Baskaran, A. Harward, K. Carlson, S. E. Naleway, "Bioinspired aligned magnetic features in aerogels for humidity sensing" Materials Chemistry and Physics (2021) 270, 124852. | URL
(35) |  | M. Mroz, M. Ali, J. R. Howard, K. Carlson, S. E. Naleway, "Biotemplating of a highly porous cellulose-silica composite from Apium graveolens by a low-toxicity sol-gel technique" JOM (2021) 73, 1736-1744. | URL
(34) |  | S. E. Naleway, G. A. Hirata, "Advanced functional and biological materials: A memorial issue dedicated to Professor Joanna McKittrick" Journal of Materials Research and Technology (2021) 10, 709-710. | URL
- 2020 - |
(33) |  | S. N. Garner, S. E. Naleway, M. S. Hosseini, C. Acevedo, B. Gludovatz, E. Schaible, J.-Y. Jung, R. O. Ritchie, P. Zavattieri, J. McKittrick, "The role of collagen in the dermal armor of the boxfish" Journal of Materials Research and Technology (2020) 9, 13825-13841. | URL
(32) |  | Y. Wang, S. E. Naleway, B. Wang, "Biological and bioinspired materials: Structure leading to functional and mechanical performance" Bioactive Materials (2020) 5, 745-757. | URL
(31) |  | M. Mroz, J. Rosenberg, C. Acevedo, J. J. Kruzic, B. Raeymaekers, S. E. Naleway, "Ultrasound freeze-casting of a biomimetic layered microstructure in epoxy-ceramic composite materials to increase strength and hardness" Materialia (2020) 12, 100754. | URL
(30) |  | E. A. Beseris, S. E. Naleway, D. R. Carrier, "Impact protection potential of mammalian hair: Testing the pugilism hypothesis for the evolution of human facial hair" Integrative Organismal Biology (2020) 2, obaa005. | URL
(29) |  | S. E. Naleway, V. Thomas, D. Restrepo, H. C. Schniepp, "Advanced manufacturing for biomaterials and biological materials, Part II" JOM (2020) 72, 1432-1434. | URL
(28) | 
| I. Nelson, J. Varga, P. Wadsworth, M. Mroz, J. J. Kruzic, O. T. Kingstedt, S. E. Naleway, "Helical and Bouligand porous scaffolds fabricated by dynamic low strength magnetic field freeze casting" JOM (2020) 72, 1498-1508. | URL
(27) |  | D. Restrepo, S. E. Naleway, V. Thomas, H. C. Schniepp, "Advanced manufacturing for biomaterials and biological materials, Part I" JOM (2020) 72, 1151-1153. | URL
(26) |  | J. R. Howard, L. Gardner, Z. Saife, A. Geleil, I. Nelson, J. S. Colombo, S. E. Naleway, K. Carlson, "Synthesis and characterization of novel calcium phosphate glass-derived cements for vital pulp therapy" Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine (2020) 31, 12. | URL
(25) |  | P. Wadsworth, I. Nelson, D. L. Porter, B. Raeymaekers, S. E. Naleway, "Manufacturing bioinspired flexible materials using ultrasound directed self-assembly and 3D printing" Materials & Design (2020) 185, 108243. | URL
- 2019 - |
(24) |  | I. Nelson, S. E. Naleway, “Intrinsic and extrinsic control of freeze casting” Journal of Materials Research and Technology (2019) 8, 2372-2385. | URL
(23) |  | I. Nelson, L. Gardner, K. Carlson, S. E. Naleway, "Freeze casting of iron oxide subject to a Tri-axial nested Helmholtz-coils driven uniform magnetic field for tailored porous scaffolds" Acta Materialia (2019) 173, 106-116. | URL
(22) |  | J-Y. Jung, S. E. Naleway, Y. N. Maker, K. Y. Kang, J. Lee, S. S. Hur, S. Chien, M. A. Meyers, J. McKittrick, “3D printed templating of extrinsic freeze-casting for macro-micro porous biomaterials” ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering (2019) 5, 2122-2133. | URL
(21) |  | J-Y. Jung, A. Pissarenko, A. A. Trikanad, D. Restrepo, F. Y. Su, A. Marquez, D. Gonzalez, S. E. Naleway, P. Zavattieri, J. McKittrick, “A natural stress deflector on the head? Mechanical and functional evaluation of the woodpecker skull bones” Advanced Theory and Simulations (2019) 2, 1800152. | URL
(20) |  | I. Nelson, T. A. Ogden, S. A. Khateeb, J. Graser, T. D. Sparks, J. J. Abbott, S. E. Naleway, “Freeze-casting of surface-magnetized iron(II,III) oxide particles in a uniform static magnetic field generated by a Helmholtz coil” Advanced Engineering Materials (2019) 21, 1801092. | URL
(19) |  | P. Niksiar, F. Su, M. B. Frank, T. A. Ogden, S. E. Naleway, M. A. Meyers, J. McKittrick, M. M. Porter, "External field assisted freeze casting" Ceramics (2019) 2, 208-234. | URL
(18) |  | T. A. Ogden, M. Prisbrey, I. Nelson, B. Raeymaekers, S. E. Naleway, "Ultrasound freeze casting: Fabricating bioinspired porous scaffolds through combining freeze casting and ultrasound directed self-assembly" Materials & Design (2019) 164, 107561. | URL
- 2018 - |
(17) |  | J-Y. Jung, A. Pissarenko, N. Yaraghi, S. E. Naleway, D. Kisailus, M. A. Meyers, J. McKittrick, “A comparative analysis of the avian skull: Woodpeckers and chickens” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2018) 84, 273-280. | URL
- 2017 - |
(16) |  | M. B. Frank, S. H. Siu, K. Karandikar, C-H. Liu, S. E. Naleway, M. M. Porter, O. A. Graeve, J. McKittrick, “Synergistic structures from magnetic freeze casting with surface magnetized alumina particles and platelets” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2017) 76, 153-163. | URL
(15) |  | B. Gludovatz, F. Walsh, E. A. Zimmermann, S. E. Naleway, R. O. Ritchie, J. J. Kruzic, “Multiscale structure and damage tolerance of coconut shells” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, (2017) 76, 76-84. | URL
(14) |  | M. B. Frank, S. E. Naleway, T. Haroush, C-H. Liu, S. H. Siu, J. Ng, I. Torres, A. Ismail, K. Karandikar, M. M. Porter, O. A. Graeve, J. McKittrick, "Stiff, porous scaffolds from magnetized ceramic particles aligned by magnetic freeze casting” Materials Science and Engineering C (2017) 77, 484-492. | URL
- 2016 - |
(13) |  | S. E. Naleway, C. F. Yu, R. Hsiong, A. Sengupta, P. M. Iovine, J. A. Hildebrand, M. A. Meyers, J. McKittrick, “Bioinspired intrinsic control of freeze cast composites: Harnessing hydrophobic hydration and clathrate hydrates” Acta Materialia (2016) 114, 67-79. | URL
(12) |  | J.-Y. Jung, S. E. Naleway, N. Yaraghi, V. R. Sherman, E. A. Bushong, M. H. Ellisman, D. Kisalius, J. McKittrick, “Structural analysis of the tongue and hyoid apparatus of a woodpecker” Acta Biomaterialia (2016) 37, 1-13. | URL
(11) |  | M. B. Frank, S. E. Naleway, T. S. Wirth, J.-Y. Jung, C. L. Cheung, F. B. Loera, S. Medina, K. N. Sato, J. R. A. Taylor, J. McKittrick, “A protocol for bioinspired design: A ground based sampler based on sea urchin jaws” Journal of Visualized Experiments (2016) 110, e53554. | URL |
(10) |  | S. E. Naleway, K. C. Fickas, Y. N. Maker, M. A. Meyers, J. McKittrick, “Reproducibility of ZrO2-based freeze casting for biomaterials” Materials Science and Engineering C (2016) 61, 105-112. | URL
(9) |  | S. E. Naleway, J. R. A. Taylor, M. M. Porter, M. A. Meyers, J. McKittrick, “Structure and mechanical properties of selected protective systems in marine organisms” Materials Science and Engineering C (2016) 59, 1143-1167. | URL
- 2015 - |
(8) |  | S. E. Naleway, M. M. Porter, J. McKittrick, M. A. Meyers, “Structural design elements in biological materials: Application to bioinspiration” Advanced Materials (2015) 27, 5455-5476. | URL
(7) |  | W. Yang, S. E. Naleway, M. M. Porter, M. A. Meyers, J. McKittrick, “The armored carapace of the boxfish” Acta Biomaterialia (2015) 23, 1-10. | URL
(6) |  | D. Khvostenko, S. Salehi, S. E. Naleway, T. J. Hilton, J. L. Ferracane, J. C. Mitchell, J. J. Kruzic, “Cyclic mechanical loading promotes bacterial penetration along composite restoration marginal gaps” Dental Materials (2015) 31, 702-710. | URL
(5) |  | S. E. Naleway, W. Lear, J. J. Kruzic, C. Maughan, “Mechanical properties of suture materials in general and cutaneous surgery” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials (2015) 103, 735-742. | URL
(4) |  | S. E. Naleway, C. F. Yu, M. M. Porter, A. Sengupta, P. M. Iovine, M. A. Meyers, J. McKittrick, “Bioinspired composites from freeze casting using clathrate hydrates” Materials and Design (2015) 71, 62-67. | URL
- 2014 - |
(3) |  | Z. Evenson, S. E. Naleway, S. Wei, O. Gross, J. J. Kruzic, I. Gallino, W. Possart, M. Stommel, R. Busch, “β relaxation and low-temperature aging in a Au-based bulk metallic glass: From elastic properties to atomic-scale structure” Physical Review B (2014) 89, 174204. | URL
(2) |  | B. Gludovatz, S. E. Naleway, R. O. Ritchie, J. J. Kruzic, “Size-dependent fracture toughness of bulk metallic glasses” Acta Materialia (2014) 70, 198-207. | URL
- 2013 - |
(1) |  | S. E. Naleway, R. B. Greene, B. Gludovatz, N. K. N. Dave, R. O. Ritchie, J. J. Kruzic, “A highly fatigue resistant Zr-based bulk metallic glass” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (2013) 44, 5688-5693. | URL